Message of His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians on great lent

Message of His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians on great lent 24.02.2020

Dear Faithful People,

We are entering the period of Great Lent, which is a special time for meditation, penitence, and prayer. Duringthese days, being reverentto the meaning of the Sundays of Great Lent, our spirit is rejuvenatedwith the Holy scripture readings and soulful messages. For Christians, Great Lent is a unique spiritual journey, in order to become worthy of the desirable gift of Salvationby reflecting on our lifeand examining our human nature.

The apostle exhortes “So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work” (Colossians 1:9-10).

Dear Children, this mystic glorious period is the greatest opportunity to reinforce our love and show respect to one another andstrengthen the spirit of tolerance and understanding in accordanceto the Holy scripture: “Love towards your brother is the blessed way to God”. We must strengthen our unity in the Homeland and in the Diaspora with brotherly love, establish the spirit of cooperation and understanding through God’s support, and forge a vibrant and bright future forour people.

Indeed, love is the highest point of Christian virtues.

This love is the bestguarantee of peace and prosperity in the national and native spheres, in family and social life.

We urge you, our beloved faithful, to spend this period of Great Lent with prayer, fasting and meditation, as well as participate in the Services being offeredin our churches, strengthen the spirit of tolerancefor one another, andmultiply good deeds, in order to make our lives more prosperous and brighter with God’s blessings.

We pray to God for our sons and daughters, sister and brothers, as well as for allpeople living in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, who have lived underthe conditions of war and political turmoil for years.

Asking Almighty God’s blessings, we wish peace to the world and people's hearts, peace to our homeland and our people, as well as we grant brightness of faith and spiritual life, progress and empowerment to all Armeniansthroughout the world.

May the love and mercy of our Savior Jesus Christ always be with us and for all; Amen.