Statement of the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin

Statement of the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin 28.04.2021

On April 28, the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, discussing the position of the ESCS Minister Mr. Vahram Dumanyan related to the subject “History of the Armenian Church”; recently voiced in one of the interviews, has issued the following statement.


A few days ago, in his public speech on the process of educational changes, ESCS Minister Mr. Vahram Dumanyan also reflected on the further teaching of the subject “History of the Armenian Church”. The issue mentioned, was also discussed on February 12, this year; during the meeting with the representatives of the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and ESCS Minister, as well as the representatives of the ESCS Ministry; the results of which had been written in the letters they exchanged.
In fact, the Minister repeated the same incomplete solution already proposed by the Ministry, according to which, instead of 236 lessons, it is planned to provide only 64 lessons for the subject "History of the Armenian Church".
This approach is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of both spiritual and national interests, and deeply contradicts to the provisions of the Article 18 of the RA Constitution. It is more intolerable, that it is presented as a compromise. Such approach to the national education and upbringing of generations is simply destructive. This approach proposed by the Ministry abolishes the results of the teaching the subject "History of the Armenian Church", achieved with great difficulty during the 16 years.
The Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin reaffirms its position that the subject "History of the Armenian Church" should be entirely included in the curriculum of the required subjects. At the same time, the subgroup continues to express its readiness to reform the curriculum of the subject “History of the Armenian Church”; to be involved in the editing of textbooks and teacher training, leaving no suggestion of professional and national-public circles without response, within the frameworks of the mentioned activities.
It should be noted, that from the beginning, the Church has expressed its strict reservations about the so-called “educational reform” program; as a number of fundamental omissions and substantial anti-constitutional manifestations were noted in both general and subject standards, as well as during the discussions of the latters.
The distrusts relating to the goals of educational reform, and consequently their effectiveness, are deepening; as no reliable and substantial explanation has been given by the competent government officials and, in particular, by the representatives of the State Authorized Body of Education; to alleviate the concerns of the Church. Meanwhile, it is obvious that within the framework of the mentioned reforms; Armenological subjects are in danger; the opportunities to educate generations with a military-patriotic spirit have sharply decreased. We consider it unnecessary to explain, how much our country and nation, which face constant threat of war and ontological dangers, are in need of such education.
In such conditions of the process of educational reform, our only hope was that it would be possible to fill the gap formed in the field of national identity and spiritual upbringing through the entirely maintenance of the subject "History of the Armenian Church" as a required subject in the field of public education.
Now, considering the anti-national policy of excluding the subject "History of the Armenian Church" from the curriculum of the required subjects; implementing by the authorities; the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin will put every effort to prevent this destructive approach, and to achieve the fulfillment of its historical, moral and legal requirements that serve to the vital interests of our people.
As a conclusion, we consider it appropriate to cite the message of Archbishop Nerses Lambronatsi, one of our talented and broad-minded medieval Fathers; which is topical today: “Every nation is strong with its traditions”.
May God strengthen our people in the spiritual and physical war for their identity ․ Amen.