Armenian Academy of Calcutta Accepting Applications

Armenian Academy of Calcutta Accepting Applications 27.04.2021

The Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy of Calcutta is accepting applications for children between the ages of 6-10 for 2021-2022 academic year.
The admission process will be conducted through the following steps:
1. Complete the admission form;
2. Submission of admission documents;
3. Document verification;
4. Psychological and General knowledge testing
5. Interview.
All expenses for education, lodging and travel will be covered by the Academy.
The documents required for admission are the following:
* Passport (must be valid for at least 3 years);
* Agreement by the parents or custody (notarized and with English translation) to study at the Armenian Philanthropic Academy;
* Baptism Certificate;
* Certificate of secondary (or higher) education
* Medical Certificate;
* Photos 4 x (3.5 x 3.5) also on electronic format (on disk);
* A petition by the Spiritual Pastor
* Report on Parental socioeconomic status
The education of both current and newly admitted students, due to the unpredictable problems and dangers of the Pandemic, is planned to continue online, until the students leave for India. Online learning is organized through the “Zoom” program. Parents of newly admitted students should provide their children with appropriate equipment (smart phone or computer, and the internet with appropriate speed). The education is in line with the Indian Ministry of Education, Delhi Education System, which is in English.
Applications will be accepted from May 03 to June 14 through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 17:00 p.m. in the Administrative building of the "Christian Education Center" of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
Address: Etchmiadzin City; Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin; Christian Education Center.
For more inquiries, please contact at: (010) 517 283 or write at: [email protected]
For additional information visit the Academy website at:
and Facebook page: Colleg&Philanthropic Academy